Monday, September 9, 2013

Bring on the Learning Revolution! - Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson gave a brilliant speech about education on TED. He makes a connection with fast food and education. I've never thought about it in that way before. Our education is very repetitive and standardized. Because of the No Child Left Behind Act, teachers are now teaching in the same way so that students can pass the standardized test at the end. I don't think this is fair because it doesn't test students on their talents outside of academics. No child is judged by how well they could play basketball or how well they could sing, but they are considered a bad student if they don't know the Pythagorean Theorem or the exact value of a mole. It's unfair to teach students in this way.

He also makes a point on the importance of having diversity in a community. If everyone knew how to do one thing and only that one thing, how are we ever going to grow as a society? Everyone would be doing the same thing and sooner or later, things like arts and music and sports will soon disappear into a sea of doctors and lawyers. We don't need that many lawyers, people!

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